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January ...

The rush to get things ready for Christmas, buying gifts, getting organised ... it's all over for another year, and we've survived. Such a special time of year, time to be with loved ones, friends and family, and to remember to appreciate each other.

OK - be honest. Did you make a list of New Year's Resolutions?

I used to do this as a teenager, but to be honest, I haven't done it for a long time now. Still ... it might be a good idea to make a resolution to PAINT more, THAT'S a good one to stick to!

Let me know if you've come up with any creative suggestions ...

Dharma Trading : How to Paint Procion Dyes onto Silk

For applying the dye directly onto the fabric. Excellent for the Dye painting, Serti technique on silk and Ikat warp painting on wool or cotton as well as just painting.

The following method for using Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion dye is one of the best ways to paint the dye directly onto the fabric. The dye can be thickened with DyeHouse Thickener and used like a fabric paint or the thickener can be left out for water color and wash effects and for the French Serti technique of painting on silk. This method does not require ...

Read the rest of this fascinating article ....

Printing on Silk with your Inkjet Printer

Click here to read how to print onto SILK! How to use Inkjet Transfer Paper - what will they think of next?

More on Synthrapol

A concentrated liquid wetting agent and surfactant compatible with all dye classifications. Use with Soda Ash to scour fabric before dyeing. Also recommended for the final hot wash of reactive dyes, especially tie-dyes as it keeps the excess dye from staining light and white areas. Pre-wash to remove invisible starches, lubricants, dirt and oil that can interfere with the dyeing process, and to remove excess die particles, keeping them from depositing on other colors in the fabric.

[Thanks to]

synthrapol silk

Thank you Lynne!

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More on Silk Paint Thickener

Thank you Lynne!

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Got a technique you'd like to share with us, or ask about? Let me know!

David Ludwig
One of David's backdrops - click to see more

Featured Artist : David Ludwig : huge stage backdrops

David creates large silk backdrops, often 21x24 feet, no mean feat!

He first sketches on paper, works out how many panels, then stretches the silk 45" wide and 21' long.

I met David at Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in July 2004 and was in awe of his large scale paintings. [He explained that he doesn't steam them, but if they were each painted separately, you could in fact steam them if your steamer was wide enough.] David sews the silk panels together FIRST, sketches the design, stretches out the whol backdrop on an auditorium floor, and does the gutta work.

He then paints one panel at a time, stretched on a frame in his studio, the size of one long panel.

David's story on his website is extremely interesting, and he talks of now having a silk screen artist turn his dance scarves and veils into silk-screened products which can sell at a cost-effective price for a wider audience.

Very good Quote/Order Form which appears on David's site:

Laotian silk

I came across a delightful page about the care of silk, with some gorgeous almost-English phrases in it - click here to read more.

Excavation and Survey in Arkhangai and Bulgan aimaqs, Mongolia in 2005

For the summer of 2005, the Silkroad Foundation, in conjunction with the Department of Archaeology at the Mongolian National University, will be sponsoring excavation and survey in Arkhangai and Bulgan aimaqs, Mongolia. You are invited to join in the first season of this collaborative project.... More Information.

Sign up for the Newsletter - the First Issue!

Check out this Directory of scarf suppliers

An amazing array of suppliers worlwide, of ALL types of scarves, fabrics - already painted, beaded, etc etc ... you might get some good ides - click here to view more at

Sewing Silk Chiffon

I've had a few questions on sewing silk chiffon, and I thought I'd share some tips and links with you. If you have any great tips on sewing, painting, whatever, please let me know and I'll include them for the Members.

I always use:
  • my tiny portable Elna sewing maching, which I purchased in Paris when I lived there, and is heading for its 23rd birthday!
  • a ballpoint needle, which goes between the fibres rather than through them, which snags and pulls threads (many people say the ballpoint needle doesn't work - I think it depends on the type and quality of silk, and your patience)
  • a white cotton thread which I can dye with the silk
  • small quarter inch hems for clothing edges and ALWAYS French seams where seams are required.
Useful links:,2025,DIY_14144_2277074,00.html

Enjoy the New Year - I wish you whatever you wish for yourself, with love, laughter and adventures thrown in to keep the mix interesting!

Teena! © 2003-2004