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Got a tip? Email me and I'll put it online with a credit to you.

February ...

With Christmas behind us and Valentine's Day just passed, it always seems to me that from here on in it's a rush to Christmas again. I know I know, I shouldn't say it out loud but before we know it we're buying Chrissie prezzies again and stressing over the holiday season.

What I'd like to suggest is that we take time to smell the roses this year - don't get sucked into the vortex of one holiday hot on the heels of another. Take time to enjoy your family and friends, take a walk on the grass in warm weather without your shoes on, visit a beach and walk barefoot on the sand, let the gentle surf tickle your toes, experience warm fuzzy sensations of peace and happiness ...

In a word, ENJOY!

I hope you're all well and happy and that this month is filled with the joy of laughter and relationships ...

Now put the kettle on, or make a thick creamy latte, and do some armchair arty reading and browsing!

Cheers, Teena!


Further to last month's bit on copyright for artists, I've come across an excellent site which helps you search for people who might be COPYING your webpages!

How does this work?

You type in the url [www address] of your web page, and the search engine looks for the *same* instances of phrases on other sites around the globe.

Pretty cool, huh?

Obviously, if you've put an article on your site by another author, it may find other instances of that.

And if you don't have much text on your pages, it won't find much ... and it won't find images, just text.

Give it a shot - it's fascinating!

Remedies for Web Site Copyright Infringement can be found here:

So what should you do?

  • Contact the website owner - write a polite professional email explaining that that they have taken copyrighted text from your website. Allow them at least 48 hours to remove the website content, and if they don't reply or respond and/or make changes, go to whois Whois Index
  • get the contact details for the website administrator
  • if someone doubts that the work is actually YOURS, show them a history of your websitethrough the Internet Archive
Good luck!

Here are some interesting wearable art & patterns I came across:

Check out the INSPIRATION FIBER ART link - I *love* the Kinenbi Top, Panel Pants - shame it's too hot here to wear anything like this!

Depending on how you use your handpainted textiles, you might find a dash of inspiration in here somewhere ...

Artist Resources

I may have mentioned in the past. It is a free resources designed to help artists and craftspeople promote their work on the internet:

News & Reviews

Came across this lovely article - what a wonderful project! Click on the link to see the photo.

Rich tapestry of life

Wakefield Today - UK

A TAPESTRY depicting life through the ages in Horbury is due to be unveiled in the New Year. Stitchers have been working for two years to make sure the 2.5 metre by 1.25 metre work was finished on time. The tapestry is in the form of a pictorial map showing images of well-known sites, events and people of the town.

Staff and friends of Horbury Library got together to plan the needlework work of art after senior library assistant Susan Parker saw the Leeds Millennium tapestry which fuelled her imagination. Embroiders were asked to stitch a piece with a personal relevance to themselves, a relative, a church or a club they were involved with.

Susan Parker said: "The whole tapestry shows a spontaneity only achieved by people doing their own thing in their own way. "A group of 20 dedicated stitchers spent many hours planning the background of nets, the lay-out and positioning of all these pieces and then sewed them very carefully and securely in place."

Sewers were asked to create a painting with stitches, using the technique they thought would be best. There are examples of hand and machine embroidery, canvas work, petit point, silk painting, collage, appliqué and stumpwork. In total, 70 members of the community including library staff, helped to create the tapestry.

Designer and co-ordinator Janet Taylor-Wintle was asked to help because of her textiles and design background. She said: "I looked at Horbury on the Ordnance Survey map - the canal, the river and railway travel closely together in the deep valley at Horbury Bridge." They all swing around towards the city, via Horbury Junction, and up the hill towards our town, with the library and the Grade I-listed Georgian parish church.

"The M1 motorway creates a border between the town and the city and formed a convenient rectangle for us to work with." Scenes showing life in the town include the re-enactment of the Onward! Christian Soldiers march, by the grandson of the hymn's composer, the Rev Sabine Baring-Gould.

Various Horbury societies are also featured.

Mrs Taylor-Wintle said: "Every piece has been stitched with great care and expertise and each piece is a gem. "Some 70 women have contributed to the tapestry and all have given their time and talent free since last September." The finished tapestry will be unveiled by Wakefield's mayor, councillor Janet Holmes, on Saturday, January 8, at 2pm in Horbury Library, Westfield Road, where it will hang permanently.
05 January 2005

Artist of the Month
Michael Fowler

I came across this great website which I wanted to share with you - Michael's work is delicious!

A day in his life : these photos are FAAABULOUS! you'll need plenty of time to have a squizz through these!

fabulous photo album on Michael's website
click here:

unbelievable patterns!

Washing machine dyeing
There are plenty of PDFs to download and tons of information here!

Tie-dye Forum with sections on silk

Lovely links page

What's Rozome?

There has been some talk of Rozome on several arty mailing lists I'm on - do a search and you'll find a wealth of information! This site is very straightforward - have any of you ever tried this? I'd love to hear from you, with photos if you'd like to share them with us.

Rozome on kimono silk by Bunny
GREEN MAN : Rozome on kimono silk
by Dorothy BUNNY Bowen
[photo copyright Dorothy Bowen]

More on Synthrapol from the horse's mouth! How to MAKE YOUR OWN!

Recently I was fortunate to read this on one of the mailing lists I received - from one of the top suppliers of textile goodies in the UK - just *had* to share this with you!

Synthrapol is the trade name from what was ICI I think, (another trade name is Metapex) for a mix of 80% Glyezin BC, an ethoxylated alcohol, in isopropyl alcohol. It provides a non-ionic mix which avoids any pH dye effect from acid or alkaline residues, which can occur with domestic detergents. You need to use around 5ml to 2 - 3 litres, which generally makes it much more cost effective than the household alternatives, which also contain the same constituents, plus some more. So, if you can get the constituents, you can now make your own

As far as I can find out, Synthrapol is not available any more, and so we get it mixed for us in the quantities which are commercially required (ie a lot) and then have stock for quite some time and rebottle. I am not sure what you call expensive, but that is what sets what we have to charge and still stay in business.
Best regards

Ian Bowers
Managing Director - George Weil & Sons Ltd
The leading supplier of Textile Art and Craft Materials
based at Guildford, Surrey, UK
ph 0 (+44) 1483 565800 : fax 0 (+44) 1483 565807

That's it for February - please drop me a line and let me know what you've been working on - I love to hear from you!

Teena! © 2003-2004